CONTRASTE con Tony Santiago
Tony Santiago ha querido representar una parte muy importante de sus raíces como es el flamenco , basándose como se vivía el flamenco en los tiempos antiguos donde interpretarán distintos palos del flamenco, clásico español, tanguillos, bulerías, etc. Sin embargo, Contraste, no deja de ser un espectáculo para mostrar el saber hacer de la danza española, en concreto del flamenco.
Tony Santiago aims to represent a very important part of his roots in flamenco. His performance is based on how flamenco was lived and performed in the days of old where different branches of flamenco are represented. From classic Spanish to Tanguillos and Bulerias. However, contrasting styles don’t stop this from being a spectacle that demonstrates a true know-how of Spanish dance. In this case, the art of flamenco.