Vania Balabanova es una violinista búlgara extremadamente exitosa que ha compartido el escenario con muchos artistas de renombre mundial como Deep Purple, SuperTramp, Nightwish y Catatonia , a la vez que también ha tocado versiones más clásicas con la Ópera Estatal y la Filarmónica de Plovdiv . La sorprendente destreza y el dominio de su instrumento la han llevado a más lugares de los que puede recordar.
Vania Balavanova is a Bulgarian violinist who has enjoyed a lot of success in her career. She has performed with some of the biggest names in the industry such as Deep Purple, Supertramp, Nightwish and Catatonia. Apart from this, she has also performed in a more classical setting The State Opera and the Philharmonic of Plovdiv. The surprising ease with which she manages her instrument has taken her to more places than she can even remember!