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  • Price: To consult
  • Components: 2pax
  • Time: 45+45min.

Areia is a versatile duo that perform well known songs in a variety of styles that include Bossa Nova, Latin Music, Soul, R&B, Reggae, Rock and Blues. Brazilian singer Cibele Vieira teams up with Argentinian guitarist and producer Rano Sarbach to create unforgettable live performances with a personal touch. A warm vocal sound that surrounds you.
Cibele Vieira has worked alongside pianist Jorge Vera and Brazilian guitarist Rubens Allan. She has performed in music festivals in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Ibiza as well as large concert halls in Spain and Brazil.
Rano Sarbach has played with Memphis la Blusera, Sandra Mihanovich,Vitiken, Sueter, Emanuel Horvilleur, Andy Chango, Los Twist, Amelita Baltar, etc. Internationally he formed and directed a band for Gloria Gaynor and on three different occasions played guitar for Robi Draco Rosa and Bob Telson. As if this was not enough, Rano has also toured Latinamerica Europe and the U.S.A.

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