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  • Price: To consult
  • Components: 6pax
  • Time: 45-45min.

We are Kiné Circus! a group of committed artists who use the circus to explore the human condition, incorporating authentic Ethiopian cultural identity throughout our work.
The literal translation of K’iné corresponds to an ancient Ethiopian riddle, a labyrinth of words that must be deciphered by listeners, conveying a deep meaning.
In our show, ‘Greed!’, we address the very nature of our commitment to this reality and the desire to “want more.” A work that invites us to open the door to some debates: Where does the line exist between greed and aspiration, between the desire for more and our innate drive towards success?
A fresh, agile and surprising show. The Ethiopian culture shown through the circus, its way of life in community, its vision of individualism.

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Plaça Sant Martí, 3-1º - 07440 MURO

Tel. +34 971 860 119

Illes Balears (Spain)