FREQUENCIES "Oh What a Night & Across the Universe"

FREQUENCIES "Oh What a Night & Across the Universe"

Todos los que conocemos a esta formación, sabemos, que cuando se suben al escenario convierten la velada en una noche inolvidable. Por esa razón, hemos tomado lo mejor de Oh what a Night, tributo a los Four Seasons y los mejores 45 min. de Across the Universe, tributo a The Beatles para ofrecer al cliente una noche de alto nivel, musicalmente hablando.

All of us who know this group know that when they get on stage they turn the evening into an unforgettable night. For that reason, we have taken the best of Oh what a Night, a tribute to the Four Seasons and the best 45 min. by Across the Universe, a tribute to The Beatles to offer the client a high-level night, musically speaking.